Antenatal Exercises

Antenatal Exercises

Pregnancy and exercise:

Antenatal exercise is extremely beneficial during pregnancy. Make sure you have your doctor’s permission before you begin you exercise regime.  Antenatal exercises help in reducing backaches, constipation, bloating and swelling. It also improves your mood and energy levels. Physical work-out during pregnancy promotes better sleep and prevents excess weight gain. It also tones the muscles and gives strength. Besides these benefits, antenatal exercising can also lower the risk of gestational diabetes; it can shorten labour and increases the chances of a normal delivery.

If you are a regular at workouts before pregnancy, you can continue to work out at the same level. However, make sure you feel comfortable and have guidance of a professional in antenatal exercises. If you haven’t exercised, you should begin with 10 minutes of physical activity. You can build up you stamina and increase the duration to 15-20 minutes gradually. You should exercise for minimum 30 minutes a day.

You should avoid any exercise that requires you to lie flat on your back after your first trimester. Also, you should avoid hot yoga or Pilates, working out at high altitudes, and physical activities that can cause shock or injury to the abdomen.

Normally antenatal physical workouts are beneficial for mother and the baby; however your doctor may recommend you to refrain from exercise if you have any form of heart or lung disorder, high blood pressure that has developed during pregnancy, cervical issues, vaginal bleeding, and placenta problems.

For every pregnant woman, moderate intensity physical workout of about 30 minutes is suggested. Walking is the simplest one and helpful as well. As walking provides mild aerobic training without stressing your joints too much. Low- impact aerobics and stationery cycling are great alternatives. Low weight strength training is also impactful. Always initiate your exercise by warming up, stretching up and end your workout with a cool down. Stay hydrated by drinking fluids.

Stop exercising if you experience the following signs and symptoms:

  • Light-headedness or dizziness
  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Headache
  • Chest pain
  • Abdominal discomfort
  • Excessive shortness of breath
  • Uterine contractions appearing after your workout
  • Calf swelling or pain
  • Fluid leaks from vagina

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